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Communication to the Committee of Ministers in the case I.D. v. Moldova

1 countries

The group of cases I.D. v. the Republic of Moldova (no. 47203/06) concerns violations of Articles 3 and 13 of the ECHR on account of poor material conditions of detention in establishments under the authority of the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Justice and the lack of access to adequate medical care (including specialized medical treatment) in these facilities and the detention facility of the National Anticorruption Centre, together with the absence of effective domestic remedies in both respects.

By their submission, the EPLN and the Moldovan NGO Promo-LEX Association would like to stress the attention of the Committee about general measures indicated by the Committee such as application of the national legislation introducing preventive and compensatory remedies to challenge conditions of detention; efforts implemented by the authorities to further reduce overcrowding, including through reduced recourse to detention on remand; the process of building of the new prison by the indicated time frame of end-2022 and the process of improving conditions of detention in Prison No. 13 as well as other Prison establishments; as well as the measures taken to ensure adequate and timely medical assistance in detention.