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People First: Any Ukraine Peace Agreement Must Secure the Release of All Captives

2 Paesi

As the war following Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine enters its fourth year, the People First! campaign, supported by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Russian Federation Mariana Katzarova, two Nobel Peace Prize laureates, and over forty leading Ukrainian, Russian and international human rights organisations is calling for the immediate release of the captives of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

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The significant geopolitical changes initiated by the Trump administration are bringing Moscow out of isolation. The first US-Russia bilateral talks in Riyadh, which took place without the participation of Ukraine and other European countries, have raised concerns that Washington may disregard the interests of those most affected by this aggression.

The war has had a dramatic impact on Ukrainian society: more than 16,000 civilians have been detained by Russia, either in occupied areas of Ukraine or forcibly transferred to Russian territory, and at least 20,000 Ukrainian children have been transferred or deported to Russia. In addition, thousands of prisoners of war are being held by both sides, and hundreds of civilians are being detained in Russia for anti-war statements and actions expressing support for or aimed at helping Ukraine.

We maintain that the first priority of any negotiated agreements must be the return of all civilian detainees to Ukraine, the exchange of all prisoners of war and the release of Russian political prisoners sentenced for their anti-war activities.

We demand that:

  • All Ukrainian civilians captured and illegally detained by Russian forces, including those sentenced by Russian courts, be released and allowed to return home immediately and unconditionally. Those whose homes are in Russian-controlled areas should be given the opportunity to leave for Ukrainian government-controlled areas if they wish to do so.
  • All illegally transferred or deported children be returned.
  • All deported Ukrainian convicts and patients of closed medical institutions, such as nursing homes and psychiatric facilities, be repatriated in a timely manner.
  • All efforts be made to repatriate prisoners of war, through exchanges or other means, as soon as possible, and no later than the end of active hostilities, as required by the Geneva Conventions.
  • Russian political prisoners, whether already sentenced or awaiting sentencing in connection with their anti-war statements and actions, be released and face no restrictions on their freedom of movement, including the right to travel abroad if they wish to do so.
  • A special independent international mechanism be established to facilitate these processes, monitor compliance with international humanitarian law, and ensure regular, transparent reporting on progress, including updates on the release of prisoners and adherence to humanitarian standards.
  • Russia provide immediate and full access to all captives and all illegally transferred or deported children for UN agencies and the ICRC.